Wingfeather Saga Wiki
Wingfeather Saga Wiki
Oskar Badge Chris Doehling
"For in the catacombs below is hidden in the hollow, a way that leads to pain and woe, sadness, grief and sorrow . . . so think you long before you go, exploring here tomorrow."Oskar N. Reteep

Warning! This article contains spoilers for The Wingfeather Saga animated series!

This page is about the series version of this character.
You may be looking for the book version or the short film version.

Slarb is a Green Fang who was stationed at Glipwood. He is the main antagonist of season 1, and was eventually killed by Podo at the end of the season.


Season 1[]

Leeli & The Sea Dragon Song[]

Slarb first appeared alongside Brak at the Igiby Cottage. The two Fangs were informing the family that they hadn't returned the garden hoe they had borrowed, and were demanding that they give it back. While they were there, Slarb whacked Nugget with the butt of his spear and then began threatening the dog. When Nugget barked at him viciously, the Fang got a fright.

During Dragon Day, Slarb was attempting to get a dragon kite down from a chimney. As he was doing so, Nugget ran into him. The Fang picked up the dog and prepared to bite him. Leeli quickly came over and kicked and whacked Slarb with her crutch. Slarb snatched her crutch and broke it in half while threatening the girl. Janner and Tink eventually arrived, and Tink seemingly caused the chimney to topple on Slarb. When the Fang recovered, he chased after the children, but was stopped by Brak and Vop, who warned him that if he comes between Gnorm's gut and Nia's maggot loaf, Gnorm would punish the Fang.

A Mysterious Map[]

During Gnorm's speech, Vop made fun of Slarb for getting beaten by the Igiby children. When the meeting was over, Gnorm told Slarb that he had been reassigned to Black Carriage duty.

The Catacombs Below[]

When Janner and Leeli were chatting with Sara outside of Ferinia's flower shop, Slarb watched from behind some flowers on the roof. Later on, when he was doing Black Carriage duty, the Black Carriage rode near Sara's house, and Slarb decided to snatch Sara. The next day, he told Janner that Sara was taken by the Black Carriage. Later in the day, when Podo and Nia tried to convince the mayor to ask for Sara back, Slarb eavesdropped on them and grew suspicious of the Igiby family. He went to their cottage and trashed the place as he searched for any jewels. He eventually found a small canister that was hidden in a secret compartment in Nia's bed, and inside the canister were Annieran jewels. He relished at the thought of being promoted for finding these jewels.

Escape to Peet's Castle[]

Slarb snuck into Gnorm's office and snatched the Commander's whistler. When he tried to leave the town hall unnoticed, he accidentally bumped into Vop, who was wondering why he had the whistler. Slarb told him it was a special mission, and Vop began mocking him. Angered, Slarb attacked Vop and the fight eventually lead to Slarb killing Vop. The other Fangs in the room were angry at Slarb for murdering Vop, and they all tried to grab Slarb, but the Fang dodged them and ran outside, only to be caught by Gnorm. After the other Fangs told Gnorm that Slarb killed Vop, and Gnorm discovering that Slarb had his whistler, Gnorm was about to throttle Slarb, but Slarb quickly told him that the Igibys had jewels. Gnorm snatched the jewels from Slarb and released his grip on the Fang, allowing Slarb to escape.

Fruit for Zouzab[]

As the Igiby family were about to leave Glipwood, Slarb who was waiting for them, grabbed Tink and held him hostage, holding a blade up to the boy's neck. Believing the Jewels of Anniera to be inside a crate that Podo had just loaded up into their wagon, Slarb demanded that they give him the crate, or he will harm Tink. Podo obliged and passed the crate to Slarb, who then opened the crate and was surprised to find several angry thwaps inside. After the thwaps started attacking him, Slarb ran off.

The Jewels of Anniera[]

Slarb was with the Fang army attacking Anklejelly Manor. While the army was occupied with Peet and Nugget, Slarb and two other Fangs snuck into the mansion to look for the Igibys. They eventually found them in the basement and tried to get to them using a battering ram. When Janner set fire to the staircase, Slarb was abandoned by the other Fangs, and snarled angrily at their cowardice. He and Podo began fighting, with Slarb critically injuring Podo with a inflicting stab wound on his chest. Slarb cackled at Podo being weak and was about to finish off Podo, when Podo stabbed Slarb and literally threw his body into the fire.


Slarb has a hunched posture and has the same yellow eyes that most Green Fangs have.


Slarb is ambitious and cocky and also very proud. He is neurotic and will react strongly to situations. He can easily hold grudges and is heartless, greedy, and arrogant, which eventually led to his own demise.


Season 1[]
