Wingfeather Saga Wiki
Wingfeather Saga Wiki
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"So much in life dependeth upon a good harkening. Remember that, and beware."Ollister B. Pembrick

Warning! This article contains spoilers for The Wingfeather Saga!

This page is about the book version of this character.
You may be looking for the series version.

Nurgabog Weaver is the grandmother of Maraly Weaver and the mother of Claxton Weaver.


Early life[]

In her earlier years, she had captured the heart of Podo Helmer, though he left her for Wendolyn Igiby.

Wingfeather War[]

Later on, Podo Helmer met Nurgabog again. Nurgabog made Podo kiss her for Podo and the Wingfeathers release from the Strander camp. She was later stabbed by her own son, Claxton Weaver, for helping the Wingfeathers escape from the camp.

Janner Wingfeather, Podo Helmer's grandson, later met with Nurgabog in a strander burrow while looking for his family. Nurgabog was last seen stabbing her son to help her granddaughter escape.
