This page is about the series version of this character.
You may be looking for the book version.
Mobrik is a ridgerunner who works for the Overseer as his second-in-command in the Fork! Factory! in exchange for fruit.
Season 2[]
The Sundering[]
Mobrik answered the gate when the hags and ragmen of Tilling Court brought Janner to the Fork! Factory! When Janner was brought to the Overseer's office, Mobrik wrote down "Esben Flavogle" in a ledger after Janner claimed it was his name, and he also laughed as he watched the Overseer punch Janner in the gut. Mobrik explained to Janner that "tools" don't speak to the Overseer but instead nod or shake their head. At the Overseer's command, Mobrik brought Janner to the paring station and gave him a quick explanation on what he is supposed to do.
The Fork! Factory![]
Mobrik scolded Sharpener for her underperformance and threatened to send her to the Black Carriage should it continue. Later on when Sharpener accidentally dropped several weapons, Mobrik scolded her again and told her he is sending her to the coal cellars and if she fails with that then it is the Black Carriage for her. After Janner's time in the box was over, Mobrik came to collect him and escorted him to the Overseer's office, and he asked the Overseer for some fruit before he left. When Janner was dismissed, Mobrik led him back to the paring station.
Escape to the North[]
Mobrik was approached by Janner who offered him fruit in exchange for a favor. After Janner spent three days in the box as punishment for another supposed escape attempt, Mobrik released him and discovered the core of an apple Janner had eaten and he ate the apple core before taking Janner to the Overseer's office. The Overseer asked Mobrik what punishment they should give to Janner and Mobrik said the coal cellars. Mobrik began escorting Janner to the cellars but when they reached the hallway, Janner seized him and told him that he hid more apples and if Mobrik stays quiet while he escapes, he'll shout where he hid the apples. Mobrik agreed to stay quiet but when he was released, Mobrik tried to alert the Overseer but was subdued by Janner and trapped in a barrel.
Later on, Mobrik attempted to pull Sara away from the chains to lower the gate. After Janner escaped, he tackled her to the ground.
Mobrik has tan skin, dark eyes, and brown hair and sideburns. He wears a light grey shirt, a red waistcoat, a black cloak, dark gray pants, brown shoes and a black top hat.
Just like any ridgerunner, Mobrik loves fruit so much that he will do anything for it, unless it would go against the Overseer. Mobrik seems to be sadistic, clearly taking joy in watching "tools" suffer.