Wingfeather Saga Wiki
Wingfeather Saga Wiki

Leeli Wingfeather (Leeli Igiby) is the third child and only daughter of Esben Wingfeather and Nia (Igiby) Helmer. Because of the succession rules of Anniera, Leeli is the Song Maiden of Anniera. Her two older brothers are Janner and Kalmar (Tink). Leeli has a lame leg and a little dog named Nugget, and she plays a musical instrument called the Whistleharp.


Early Life

Leeli was born to Esben Wingfeather and Nia Helmer Wingfeather in the 442 year of the Fourth Epoch. For the very beginnings of her life, she lived in Castle Rysen, where she was born.

Great War

Sometime during the year that Leeli was born, Anniera was invaded by fangs. Leeli and her family managed to escape the burning Castle Rysen. The Wingfeathers crossed the Dark Sea of Darkness and arrived in Skree, where they lived for nine years under the surname Igiby, their grandmother on their mother's side's last name.

Wingfeather War

