Wingfeather Saga Wiki
Wingfeather Saga Wiki
Wingfeather Saga Wiki
Oskar N. Reteep (Series) transparent
"I could maybe use some help."Adderley Flameswallow

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Yes ma'am. I only found out I was a Wingfeather this summer. So I feel like I'm mostly Igiby.
Janner Wingfeather, to Olumphia Groundwich[1]

The Igibys are the family from which Janner Wingfeather, Kalmar Wingfeather, Leeli Wingfeather, and Nia Helmer are descended from.


Wingfeather War[]

The Wingfeathers took the surname Igiby to disguise who they were after the fall of Anniera.

Known Members[]


  1. The Monster in the Hollows, Chapter 17: "The Ten Whiskers of Olumphia Groundwich"