Wingfeather Saga Wiki
Wingfeather Saga Wiki
Wingfeather Saga Wiki
Oskar N. Reteep (Series) transparent
"I could maybe use some help."Adderley Flameswallow

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Gargan rockroaches are extremely large arachnids that inhabit gullies mainly in Glipwood Forest. They have long, spindly legs and tick-like bodies. They emit a hypnotic spray that slows down and pacifies the non-humanoid creatures in its pit. Their mouth looks like a human's pursed lips and has many mandibles surrounding its mouth. They have an almost impenetrable exoskeleton and are very large. They have two main eyes and two smaller eyes below them. The rockroach is one of the most dangerous monsters in Skree, due to its tough armor and hypnotic gas. They often prey on the creatures of Glipwood Forest, such as horned hounds, quill diggles, cave blats, humans, and toothy cows.

