Wingfeather Saga Wiki
Wingfeather Saga Wiki

A whistleharp is an instrument that has both strings and a mouthpiece.

It is believed that the Song Maiden drew her power from her music.

Leeli Wingfeather and Armulyn are two characters who are proficient at this instrument.


Music made by the sea dragons or a member of the Wingfeather bloodline has magical properties that the Maker has given. The Wingfeathers and sea dragons can communicate telepathically from long distances when music is played. They are usually able to see each other as well. These “visions” occur when music is played close to the sea dragons.


On the Edge of the Dark Sea of Darkness[]

Leeli was given Madia's Whistleharp at the end of the novel. She had another whistleharp before this, which was made of wood and was used for her T.H.A.G.S training, before she and her family left Glipwood.

The Warden and the Wolf King[]

Leeli used this instrument to send the Fangs away.

The instrument was later used when Gnag forced Leeli to play her Whistleharp so he could open the Fane of Fire and get the head of Ouster Will to give to Yurgen for his vengeance.


  • As the Fangs hate the sound of music, it can be used as a weapon against them.

