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Esben Wingfeather (EZ-bin[2]) was the High King of Anniera during the late Fourth Epoch. He was the husband of Nia Wingfeather and the son of Jru Wingfeather and Nala Wingfeather and the father of Janner Wingfeather, Kalmar Wingfeather, and Leeli Wingfeather. His reign ended in 4/442 when Anniera was seiged by Gnag the Nameless and his Fangs of Dang in the Great War.

During the Great War, Esben and his older brother and Throne Warden Artham Wingfeather were captured by Gnag the Nameless, and locked in the Deeps of Throg for months. During his time in the Deeps, he was melded with a bear and turned into a Cloven, then released into the Blackwood. During his time in the Blackwood, he discovered Clovenfast, where he lived for nine and a half years with the other Cloven. During the Wingfeather War, he left the Blackwood to find his children, who were living in Ban Rona.


Early life[]

Esben Wingfeather was born in the Castle Rysen to Nala and Jru Wingfeather some time in the late Fourth Epoch. He was the younger brother of Throne Warden Artham Wingfeather, making him the High King of Anniera. During his reign, he married Nia Helmer and had three children: Janner, Kalmar and Leeli.

Great War[]

Not long after the Fangs of Dang came to Anniera and captured Esben and his older brother, Artham, they were taken to the Deeps of Throg. Esben was turned into a bear-like monster while Artham managed to escape. Esben was cast out into the forest and found a city called Clovenfast. He saw in a vision where his children were and charged out of Clovenfast. He found his children in a house called Chimney Hill. While watching his kids, a member of the Durgan Guild threw a spear at him. He fled to a cave and was found by his son, Kalmar, who fed and took care of him. He got better soon, but the townspeople were not very happy, for their livestock was disappearing because of Kalmar. Soon, they declared Kalmar to be executed, due to mistakenly believing Kalmar also killed Bonnie, who was, in fact, kidnapped by Bonifer Squoon. He went to trial and was assumed guilty. Esben snuck in and stopped it just in time, though being wounded by the Hollowsfolk's arrows. Then a huge battle broke out as Squoon came with an army of Fangs. His son Janner recognized him followed by the other children. Next, his wife recognized him. He went to scoop her up in his arms, but Rudric ban Yorna, Keeper of the Hollows, thought he was a monster and stabbed him in the stomach. By then they had captured his children. He ran to save his children, but only weakened himself more. By the time he got there, the Fangs had grabbed the children and set sail. He swam after them and caught up to the boat. He climbed aboard and brought his children to safety. Nia got on the boat and they set sail for Anniera. On the way there, Esben died. His family sailed back to the Green Hollows and buried his body in a royal way and grieved for many days.



  • The name "Esben" is a name of Scandinavian origin that means "bear god." This is foreshadowing of Esben being melded with a bear.


