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"So much in life dependeth upon a good harkening. Remember that, and beware."— Ollister B. Pembrick
Warning! This article contains spoilers for The Wingfeather Saga! |

Durgan Guild Patch
Named after Connolin Durga, the Durgan Guild (DUR-gen[1]) is the oldest of the Hollish Guilds. Students that enroll in the Durgan guild are trained to be masters in sneakery, silent fighting and survival skills. All students must be at least 13 years of age to enroll.
Believed to be the most intense guild, the Durgan Guild teaches guildlings how to fight skillfully and silently. When they become older, they have a chance to become a member of the Durgan Patrol.
Fourth Epoch[]
Throne Warden Janner Wingfeather and High King Kalmar Wingfeather (aged 12 and 11, respectively) were the youngest students to enroll in the Durgan guild, and after a time, became dominant in the Guild. Janner was completely against the idea to enroll in the guild. However, this was his mother's condition to allow Kalmar's presence in the guild. Swallowing his anger, Janner agreed because he imagined what his uncle Artham Wingfeather's reaction towards his attitude would be.